
Follow Me on Pinterest

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello everyone!

As of late I have joined Pinterest (see button above).  This is a crazy mish-mash of awesomeness.  It is a great source of creativity and inspiration.  I highly recommend getting invited in (need an invite?  email me!).

Also, I have written a brief motif pattern for a picture I saw here on Blogger.  TheCuriousEyeBlog posted this back in 2009 and I just recently learned of it.  I wrote the pattern notes based on the photograph therein.  You can see the pattern notes here.

Again, I am working on more updates this month and hope to see more of your creativity!  Thanks for Reading!


  1. Hi Melissa,
    I have seen this pattern as well and cannot find it anywhere!
    It looks awesome.
    At the moment I am doing some tunesian crochet with a pattern from Patrick Zein.
    A must have, according my daughter.

    1. Hi Annuska! I just recently bought a book entitled Tunisian Crochet by Sharon Silverman. I highly recommend it. The instructions are clear and include diagrams. This particular book has both different types of stitches and patterns as well. Good luck and have fun!
